About the exhibition

Back in 2007 we were looking for an opportunity to put on a substantial four person exhibition right in the heart of London, and through a series of conversations and unexpected opportunities, largely thanks to my agent Alan Wickes and his partner, we managed to get our hands on the keys to a newly built, but as yet unfitted, retail unit right alongside the Royal Festival Hall.

The units formed part of the Southbank Centre's new retail and café focused facelift that seems to have been a huge success, apart perhaps for the loss of some of that slightly unsettling brutalist feel that pervaded the architecture of the place before its redevelopment.

The show featured work by my brother Frank Elliott, good friend Lady Lucy and local South West superstar, Radiohead's Stanley Donwood.

Looking back from this distance, I guess it provided the springboard for Transistor to start exhibiting as a collective at the fairs for the following five or more years. An interesting experience, and one that would be good to repeat in the not too distant future…


Work in situ


Link to exhibited works


Tower 42