About Psyche D

I drew Psyche D / EvH (event horizon) in 2017, as part of my Current at Catto show. It’s a wildly complex drawing, that freewheeled out of control as it went on.

In its initial incarnation, it was conceived as a kind of giant psychedelic Krispy Kreme doughnut, with a petal like structure containing a wholly fluid series of line drawings, that bubble and move like a 60’s oil light show, in a kind of camomile pink colour.

Looking back from this distance it was either insane or brilliantly exuberant. I’m not sure which.

That piece has yet to be editioned, as I feel it would test the goodwill of any gallery to the outer limits, so it remains on hold, lurking in the back of my imagination, festering really.

There’s an interesting conversation to be had there about what should and shouldn’t be editioned, and who chooses. The simplistic answer is the artist of course, but it’s a much more complex issue than that in reality.

Ultimately I think you have to take your audience with you, as a shared experience in which you travel progressively away from your start point, trying not to leave too many people behind. If you lose everyone along the way, then you'll end up speaking to no one of course, which is in itself an interesting thought to contemplate.

Does an artwork need an audience? Not sure. Simply making work each day has some significant benefits for the artist, so perhaps the answer is no, the work doesn’t need an audience?

Having drawn Sun : Moon : Cosmos {67} a few months earlier, I realised that I could probably steer the Psyche D study in a similar direction, and so started work on this largely gold and blue piece, that like Cosmos holds a separate disc at its core, a centre in the void, surrounded by an explosion of colour and form, that in some way seems almost like a universe or cosmos, surrounding the planet like disc.

The split blue core can be read in a myriad of ways, certainly as the blue pill / red pill question from Lewis Carroll’s Alice books, later referenced in the Matrix, or as a reference to Bill Ander’s Earth Rise photo taken from space in 1968, alongside any number of other dualities that you may care to plant there.

Link to the pigment print edition here


Psyche D in situ


Price and dimensions

Psyche D / EvH is a metallic Lambda photographic print, optionally mounted to Plexiglass, laser cut to shape, and fitted with a hidden subframe, ready to install.

Work can be supplied unmounted and ready to frame if you’d prefer.

The work is individually signed and numbered verso, with both a unique catalogue raisonné number and the edition number for guaranteed authenticity.

From an edition of 8
Image size 100cm H x 100cm W
Artwork only, ready to frame £2,400
Mounted behind Plexiglass and fitted with a hidden subframe £2,800

Purchase this work ⟶

Dimensions and framing specs can be varied on request, to suit your space.
Please do get in touch here if you’d like to discuss possibilities ⟶


Associated works


Oriel / TWO / kandy chroma


Quad / silvered